Submission of proposals

Researchers on adult education and learning from all countries and continents are invited to submit abstracts addressing the conference theme. The conference offers space for papers, posters, symposia and workshops.

Paper and poster

An abstract of up to 600 words in total (not including references) should include information on the aim, relevance to the conference theme, theoretical framework, methodology, and outcome / expected results. One person can present a maximum of two papers in Parallel sessions and Symposia (or one paper and one poster).


A symposium may include a maximum of 4 papers presented of 250 words each (excluding references) or a combination of minimum 3 papers of 250 words each (excluding references) for presentation and a discussant to comment on those papers. All ESREA’s networks are encouraged to present one and only one symposium.

Workshop and other formats

The abstract, up to 600 words (references excluded), should include an introduction of the topic and its relevance for the conference, the format of the workshop (e.g. experiential session, methodological workshop, dialogic session, biographical, arts- based, drama workshop, etc.) Please ensure that the content and structure used in such alternative formats are described in the proposal. and explain the objectives, target group, a sketch of planned activities and structure. It should also include information on the equipment needed in the room.

Format of the files

Please prepare your abstracts in doc, docx or rtf format, and create two separate files,
following the Template:

  • A. Complete file. Contains: Type of proposal (paper, poster, symposium, or workshop), title, author’s name and affiliation (for all authors), 3-5 keywords, text, references.
  • B. Anonymized file. Contains: Type of proposal, title, 3-5 keywords, text, references. Please delete from the text and references all the Authors’ names

How to name your abstracts:

“Short title” means shortened to 25 characters
The two files will be uploaded to a form with all the authors’ names, affiliations, and emails, and the corresponding author’s contact.
All proposals will be blind reviewed by the scientific committee.

Criteria for the reviewing process

  • Connection to the field of adult education and learning
  • Connection with the conference theme
  • Clarity of the presentation, theoretical framework, methodology and specific parameters of each category (paper, poster, symposium or workshop) as mentioned above

Conference publication

The intention of the organisers is to prepare a conference publication. The exact form of
the publication and the possibility to submit articles /chapters will be specified later.

Language policy

The conference language is English. However, since most participants are not original
English speakers, we suggest that presentations are accompanied by a slideshow
(obviously this does not apply to all formats e.g. workshops, roundtables).